Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sending out Questionnaires...?

Im currently undertaking a dissertation for the first time and need to send out questionnaires to companies etc.

How many questionnaires per company should I enclose in my letter as i want the greatest response possible. Also should I enclose a self addressed/stamped envelope?

Has anybody had any experiance with the same thing and did you get a good repsonse?

Thanks for any help.

Sending out Questionnaires...?
I tihnk my approach would be to make contact with someone in each company and ask them how many they would like/ expect to get filled in. Additionally, i would send them the questionaire electronically so they can print more if necessary OR fill them out on computer and you get back nice neat answers!

If you want to keep to paper, encloseing envelopes is a good idea, perhaps, once again, talk to someone at the company - perhaps it would be easier to actually pick them up.
Reply:Keep your font large and your questions short. Circle answers or checking them off. SASE is a must. Expect 2-5% return. Depending on how local the responders are, chocolate, jolly ranchers, or something like that will have them pause to actually read your stuff. Good luck.
Reply:im going to be attempting doing the same thing for my dissertation in a couple of months. at uni we were advised to approach via email, and expect a 30% response rate. i think post is very unreliable, they are unlikely to post back unless you include addressed, paid for envolopes for the responses.

also try various forms of sampling, email to different departments, ring them up to tell them your emailing it and ask if its ok (so they expect it, plus hearing a voice induces a greater response).

if you get 25% or higher response rate, youve done well.

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