Monday, April 26, 2010

How does jury selection work?

Six weeks ago I received a questionnaire in the mail regarding potential jury service. I filled it out and mailed it back within the 10 days as instructed, but have heard nothing since. I have no experience with the process; what is supposed to happen next? Is it normal that I haven't heard anything for this long? I just don't want to get in trouble for shirking jury duty.

How does jury selection work?
One of these days it will be in the mailbox. It will tell you when and where to report. If you need to get out you can ask for a different date, or go and talk to the judge and explain why it would be a hardship for you to serve. The odds of getting out depend on where you live and how difficult it is to get quilified jurors. If you can serve do it and you will probably enjoy the experience.
Reply:It is totally random, unless you know the person on trial.

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