Sunday, November 15, 2009

How reliable do you find IQ questionnaires on the degree of wisdom(innate/something) that you have?

Not biased coz still haven't taken any Mensa tests or stuff.

How reliable do you find IQ questionnaires on the degree of wisdom(innate/something) that you have?
intelligence as measured by standardized tests and true wisdom are not synonymous in my experience. as far as i can tell i.q. measures how well the brain "functions" in terms of working with logical "data" and problems--interrelating information and coming up with helpful solutions-- a computer like function, while wisdom is a function of the "soul" and deals with the more profound questions of existence and relationship to the cosmos and all of its inhabitants both physical, and otherwise. wisdom helps in being kind and thoughtful, while, it is well known, one trait of psychopaths is that they often have "high" i.q.'s. in any event, each of us is a blend of i.q. and wisdom in varying proportions. (on the basis of analyzing it in terms of heart "vs." mind. i'd say i.q. is of the mind and wisdom is of the heart). i would comment finally, that a high i.q. can probably aid one to see the lack of wisdom in his/her actions, and thus, alter them, appropriately. so, all in all, the two are intertwined, functionally, but have distinct "areas of expertise".
Reply:NOT reliable.
Reply:On a lark, I took 6 different IQ tests and my score consistently fell between 138 - 141.

dog teeth

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