Friday, November 20, 2009

On the job application questionnaire, why are there questions about dishonest politicians?

And then there is another question that asks how many people do I think cheat on their tax returns...I just don't understand how these questions help them evaluate me as an applicant. Have you guys seen these types of questions on your applications before? How do you answer them and what is the point of them?

On the job application questionnaire, why are there questions about dishonest politicians?
Are you, by chance, applying for a position in retail or a bank?

Those types of questions are put on applications to test YOUR honesty. Most theft in retail operations is from employees, not shoplifters.

Studies show that people who are dishonest (or who steal) assume that everyone else does, too. So they are actually asking, "Are you the type of person who will steal from us if we hire you?"

The "correct" answer would be that most people do not cheat on their income taxes, and that most politicians are honest. But now that I've told you this secret, you have to promise that if they hire you, you won't steal. Anything. Ever. Not even a stick of gum. OK?
Reply:IT jobs-

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