Monday, November 16, 2009

What questions could i put in a psychology questionnaire about why people get together?

I'm concentrating on the friends side of things, and questions could be about proximity, familiarity, personality, etc

What questions could i put in a psychology questionnaire about why people get together?
Hi Pete Like,

For personality, list a bunch of personality traits, such as extroverted, moody, etc and have the person ansewr that. Also ask the person to list the traits of their friends or girlfriends (they should have similar traits and number of traits).

For familiarity, ask where you lived (if this is college) and if it was on the same floor. Or if they worked at the same company. People are generally friends with ppl they see on a daily basis.

Also ask how often they see their friends. The more you see someone, the more you will like them.
Reply:Question - Penis?

Answer - Always.
Reply:You could include emotional connectedness, habit, leisure, common interests, that's assuming they are gathering for sociable pleasure and fun.

What about including reasons why friends gather to get up to negative behaviours like, mischief, degradation, criminal damage, binge drinking etc.
Reply:- what makes you want to talk to someone?

- how far away does the farthest friend you have live from you? the closest?

- how %26amp; where did you meet your best friend?

- is your closest friend the same or opposite sex as you?

- are you an introvert or extrovert? what about your closest friend?
Reply:Physical attributes- is the person as good looking or better looking than you?

Things in common (similarities) vs. opposites (desired traits)
Reply:do you feel lonely most of the time?

do you need to have someone around you all the time?

do you have to talk about your problems?

do you feel you learn something from other people?

do you feel you have something to give to other people

do you want things from other people like praise opr support or encouragement

do you choose your friends because they make you feel better

or do you have friends because you feel like you need to fit in and be liked

etc etc?
Reply:do you go out with friends or strangers?

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