Monday, May 4, 2009

If I send out 3,000 questionnaires, what is a good response rate?

It all depends on circumstances but generally I would say about 12%

If I send out 3,000 questionnaires, what is a good response rate?
It depends on the subject matter the the method you are using the collect the information and the length of questionnaire and whether you are incentivising people to respond to you questionnaire. The easier, quicker, and the most engaging subjects get the best response rates.

If its a postal, 40 minute, boring subject questionnaire with no incentive, untargetted questionnaire you would be lucky to get 1%. If you target the right people online, with a short interesting questionnaire with a good incentive above 1 pound you could expect around 40%.
Reply:Industry average for direct mail is 1.5% to 2%, but some claim they have received over 20%. It would depend on the demand for the product or service and the quality of the questionnaire.

Most people do not want to fill out anything unless there is an immediate benefit for them like cash or a discount on something they want, say gasoline.
Reply:In what format were the questionnaires? Paper or Internet? Either way, people don't like putting personal details on either. If paper, was there a free post facility? If not, expect a low response rate.
Reply:Depends on the kind of respondents u r sending it too.....

Normally in a random sample the response rate is 2-3% at best. Anything above that is a bonus
Reply:Most market research firms work on a 1% return rate.
Reply:probably a couple of percent
Reply:10% or 300 would be very good.

Reply:prob bout 10%. 20% max

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