Monday, May 4, 2009

I want to be assisted with at least 15 questionnaires that are aimed at promoting church growth?

what are some of the questions that one can ask in order for the church to grow in all aspects.Thank you

I want to be assisted with at least 15 questionnaires that are aimed at promoting church growth?
Do we communicate to different groups including non-christians?

Is our church assessible for people with disabilities?

Do we have a newsletter?

If not do we need one?

Is so is our address list current?

Do we have activities for the whole family?

Which events have the highest attendance?

Should we form a committee to design a plan for receiving more contributions?

DId our congregation all get their tithing envelope?

Do we need to give reminders on what the money is used for?

Would anyone be interested in special topic forums?

What time of service have the best attendance?

If we having special activities during the service such as music does the attendance increase?

Are we visiting people that cannot attend? Such as people with illness and disabilities?

Do we need to provide transportation?

Are we listening to our members?

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